ZoomON CADViewer Light - Help Page

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(Since the Light product is free there is no support, but please report bugs)

ZoomON CADViewer is the only Java DWF viewer recommended by Autodesk.

The CADViewer can work as a separate window or embedded inside an HTML document. In both cases, the interface is the same. Features not available in the "Light" version are gray.

There are three main components to the interface:

In general, the viewer can be in one of the following modes:

Zoom,Pan,Units,Redline(any of the redline shapes - Pro Version Only)

The Top Toolbar

Go To CADViewer Home    
Open URLs


Print( Pro Version Only) White background
Zoom In Views
Zoom Out


Units(Pro Version Only)
Zoom Fit Screen Help - This document.
Zoom to rectangle Remote Help
Pan Drawing Information

Redline Tool Bar (Pro Version Only)


Save Redlines


Draw Arrow


Draw Polyline


Load Redlines




Highlight A Region


Delete Last Redline


Draw Circle


Draw Cloud


Delete All Redlines


Draw Line


Draw Text


Specify A URL For Redlines


Select Redline Color    

Pop Up Menu (Pro Version Only)

The popup menu is available with new browsers (Internet Explorer 4.0 or Communicator with the Java 1.1 patch). Use the right mouse button and click anywhere on the drawing to access the menu.

The menu allows access to the most frequent functionality of the viewer.

CADViewer Home

Upgrade to the ArNoNa CADViewer Pro or learn about other products and services from Arnona Internet Software Inc.

Open Drawing

Click on the button to select a new drawing. Once clicked, the viewer will attempt to load a list of available drawings that was created by the administrator of the web server. If found, a new window will list the available drawings. Double click on a drawing to select it.

When the viewer is running as a stand alone (Internet Explorer 4.0 or Communicator only) product, the file selection dialog will appear.

Print Drawing (Pro Version Only)

Click on the button to print the drawing. A new dialog window will appear:

Using the print manager window, select the following options:

Paper Type
Select the type of paper to print to. Note: that when printing using the browser the larger the page, the more memory is required . Internet Explorer seems to handle larger pages better than Netscape. If you encounter an "out of memory" error, select a smaller page size.
Force White Background
The background of the printed drawing will be forced to white. Any white lines will be changed to black.
Print Redlines
Use this checkbox to print the current redlines (if any exist). To print the drawing without any redlines, uncheck this checkbox.
Print Method
Browsers with the latest Java (Java 1.1) can print directly to the printer. This method is best. If Java 1.1 is not available, choose the second option (using browser) to output the drawing to a raster image (black and white) and the open the image in a new browser. Once the browser displays the image, select "print" from the browser to print the image. This option requires Netscape 4.0 or Internet Explorer 4.0 or above.

The drawing will be printed with the current view filling as much of the page as possible.

Direct printing is available only with new version of Java. The only browser that includes the new version of Java (1.1) is Internet Explorer 4.01. Netscape 4.05 will include the new Java and there is a patch for Netscape 4.0 and above at


We recommend using IE4.01 when printing is needed. Printing via the browser is available to other browsers.

When using the viewer for the first time, IE4.01 will ask whether to grant certain rights to the viewer. You should answer "yes" and may want to check the checkbox saying "always trust from..." so that this window will not pop up each time you use our software. If you say "no" the applet will work fine except for printing.

Using Netscape, when printing is requested, the browser will display a window asking for authorization. Click on "Grant" to allow the applet to print.

You must grant the viewer permission both when printing direct or when using the browser for printing.

Zoom Mode

You can enter the zoom mode by clicking on the or by using the right click pop up menu. The zoom button will remain pressed while the viewer is in zoom mode.

There are multiple ways of zooming in:

  1. Zoom to Rectangle: Left click the mouse on one corner of the region you would like to zoom to. Drag the mouse while holding the left mouse button until the zoom rectangle surrounds the area to zoom to. When you let go of the mouse, the region selected will fill the screen.
  2. Zoom in: zoom in around the center of the screen.

To zoom out:

  1. Click on button to zoom out around the center of the screen.
  2. Click on to see the whole drawing.

Pan Mode

Pan mode allows the user to move to a new location in the drawing while keeping the scale constant. Select to enter the pan mode. Click on the drawing and drag the mouse to move the drawing as needed. Once the mouse is released, the drawing will be rendered in the final position.

Select Layer

If the drawing contains layer information, this button will be enabled. If the drawing does not contain any layer information, the layer button will have lines crossing it out. When the button is pressed, a new window will appear. This window will list all available layers. Click on a layer to toggle it on and off. When done, dismiss the window by clicking on "done".

Once selected, a separate window opens listing the available layers. Each layer can be turned on or off by selecting it with the mouse. The layer "All Layers" can be used to turn on all layers.

When you are done, click on the "done" button in the layer window to remove it.

Show / Hide URLs

If the drawing contains URLs (or redlines have been added containing URLs), they can be displayed by clicking on button. Once selected, any graphics object that has a URL attached to it will start to alternate between red and its normal color.

When the URL is showing, you can select it by clicking your mouse on it. If the URL is linking to an html page, that page will be loaded into the browser. If the URL is linking to a drawing, that drawing will be loaded into the viewer, replacing the current drawing.

White Background

By clicking on the background of the drawing can be changed to white. This option is useful when redlining, since the redlines will be more visible with a white background. Drawings with white backgrounds will not change. To return to the normal background, click on the same button again.

Select View

If views are specified in the drawing, you may select a view by clicking on . A new window will pop up listing all available views. If there are no views in the drawing, this button will be disabled (crossed out).

When a new view is selected, the viewer will render the drawing with the new scale and position. This feature allows for quick navigation.

Units Mode(Pro Version Only)

The units mode allows the user to see the coordinates of any point on the drawing as well as distances between two points.

Select the units mode by clicking on . When in this mode, moving the mouse over the drawing will show the coordinates of the mouse location. To calculate the distance between two points, click on the first point and the drag the mouse to the second point. Once the mouse is released, the location of the mouse will display again.

If the drawing does not have units specified, the coordinates of the drawing will be used and the words "World Coordinates" will appear as the units.

The location or distance will appear in the status bar of the browser.

Remote Help

The button leads to the help page on the CADViewer site. This is useful, since the local help page may not be up to date. Further, the local help page may be changed by the owner of the viewer (for example, translated into the local language). When selected, a new browser will be launched and the help page loaded.

Drawing Information

The button opens a new window with drawing information as well as the viewer information.

Adding Redlines To A Drawing(Pro Version Only)

Enter the redline mode by clicking on one of the redline types .

Line: Left click the mouse on the drawing and drag to create a line.

Circle: Left click the mouse on the drawing to mark the center of the circle and drag to create a circle.

Cloud: Left click the mouse on the drawing to mark the center of the cloud and drag to create a cloud.

Text: When clicked, a new window will appear. Type the text in the window. The text can be multiline or single line.Select a font size from the pull down menu. When done, box and text size menu become active. Type the text in the textbox. Select a size for the text using the rightmost menu in the panel. To place the text, click "ok" in the text window to dismiss it and drag the mouse on the drawing until the location is found. When the mouse is released, the text will be placed on the drawing.

Freehand : Drag the mouse while pressing the left button to draw.

Arrow : Click on the location where the arrow head will be. You can then click multiple times to add line segments to the arrow. To end the arrow, double click the same location.

Polyline : Click on the location where the multisegment line will start. You can then click multiple times to add line segments to the polyline. To end the polyline, double click on the same point.

Highlight : Use this function to highlight a region of the drawing. Click on one corner and drag the mouse to the opposite corner. Once the mouse is released, the region will appear. The color of the region depends on the current redline color as well as the drawing color. In some cases, the region will not appear. If this happens, change the current redline color and mark the region again.

Setting Redline Attributes (Color and URL)(Pro Version Only)

All redlines can be drawn in different colors. Optionally, a URL can be specified so that the redlines can link the drawing to other drawings or documents on the web server.

Use this panel to select a color for the redlines. Once selected, all future redlines will be drawn using the color selected.

When the "redline URL" button is pressed, a new window will appear prompting for a full URL. Type in the URL including the "http://". When done, click on "ok". Future redlines will include the URL. To stop adding the URL to redlines, press the same button again to release it. As long as the URL button is pushed in, all redlines will get the URL.

Delete Redline Function(Pro Version Only)

Delete Last: To delete the last line that was added to the drawing click on the "Delete Last" button.

Delete All: To delete all redlines, click on the "Delete All".

Save Redlines(Pro Version Only)

Redlining allows the user to add annotations to the drawing viewed as well as saving and loading redlines from the central server. The save functionality requires a script on the server. Most users will not have a problem with installing the script but on some systems the user may not be allowed to install scripts. In this case, saving will not be available.

When the "save redlines" button is selected, a new window will pop up prompting for a file name. This window includes checkboxes to select saving to the server the viewer came from or as a local file.

Type the name of the redlines in a format that will be used to create a file name. For example, no spaces, all characters should be letters and digits, etc. Do not include a file extension with the name.

If the redlines are saved to the server the name entered will be combined with the drawing name and the redlines will be saved to the server. Since the redlines are saved to the server, capitalization may matter (on unix machines). Remember the name of the redlines you saved so that you can load them later or ask someone else to view them. If you are behind a firewall, the first time that the redlines are saved, there will be a slight delay.

When saving to local disk, the name will be used and the extension ".red" will be added.

When you have typed the name, click on the "ok" button. If saving to the local disk, the file dialog will appear and allow selection of the directory to save the redlines to. Once saved, the window will disappear.

Load Redlines(Pro Version Only)

To load redlines previously saved, choose the load button. A window will appear prompting for a redlines file name. This window includes checkboxes to allow selection of loading from the server or directly from the local file system.

If loading from the server, enter the name exactly as the name used for saving the redlines. Do not add any file extension. Click "ok" to load the drawing.

If loading from the local file system a file selection dialog will appear, select the redlines file and click "open".

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All Rights Reserved.
