Vertical Magnetic Field on Axis of the Inflector

I believe this field map was derived from measurements made in the 
downstream half of the prototype inflector, which had one open and
one closed end. It was assumed that the field in the final version 
with both ends closed would be the same up and down stream from the

 -0.850   0.850   /elin,elout(m): nominal ends of the 1.7 m long inflector

Column 1: Distance in meters from center of inflector
Column 2: By/By0  (By0 is adjusted for final beam steering)

 -0.9500    0.0000             
 -0.9360    0.0000
 -0.9210    0.0127
 -0.9160    0.0150
 -0.9110    0.0196
 -0.9060    0.0242
 -0.9010    0.0276
 -0.8960    0.0334
 -0.8910    0.0415
 -0.8860    0.0438
 -0.8520    0.1720
 -0.8500    0.5190              /nominal upstream end
 -0.8480    0.8660
 -0.8430    0.8802
 -0.8420    0.8836
 -0.8400    0.8836
 -0.8380    0.8917
 -0.8360    0.8998
 -0.8340    0.9055
 -0.8320    0.9090
 -0.8300    0.9147
 -0.8280    0.9194
 -0.8260    0.9228
 -0.8240    0.9343
 -0.8230    0.9366
 -0.8180    0.9482
 -0.8130    0.9597
 -0.8080    0.9689
 -0.8030    0.9770
 -0.7980    0.9793
 -0.7930    0.9862
 -0.7880    0.9896
 -0.7830    0.9942
 -0.7780    0.9965
 -0.7730    0.9988
 -0.7680    0.9988
 -0.7630    1.0012
 -0.7580    1.0023
 -0.7480    1.0023
 -0.7330    1.0035
 -0.7130    1.0035
 -0.6930    1.0035
 -0.6730    1.0023
 -0.6530    1.0023
 -0.6330    1.0012
 -0.6130    1.0000
 -0.2800    1.0000
  0.0000    1.0000
  0.2800    1.0000
  0.6130    1.0000
  0.6330    1.0012
  0.6530    1.0023
  0.6730    1.0023
  0.6930    1.0035
  0.7130    1.0035
  0.7330    1.0035
  0.7480    1.0023
  0.7580    1.0023
  0.7630    1.0012
  0.7680    0.9988
  0.7730    0.9988
  0.7780    0.9965
  0.7830    0.9942
  0.7880    0.9896
  0.7930    0.9862
  0.7980    0.9793
  0.8030    0.9770
  0.8080    0.9689
  0.8130    0.9597
  0.8180    0.9482
  0.8230    0.9366
  0.8240    0.9343
  0.8260    0.9228
  0.8280    0.9194
  0.8300    0.9147
  0.8320    0.9090
  0.8340    0.9055
  0.8360    0.8998
  0.8380    0.8917
  0.8400    0.8836
  0.8420    0.8836
  0.8430    0.8802
  0.8480    0.8660
  0.8500    0.5190             /nominal downstream end
  0.8520    0.1720
  0.8860    0.0438
  0.8910    0.0415
  0.8960    0.0334
  0.9010    0.0276
  0.9060    0.0242
  0.9110    0.0196
  0.9160    0.0150
  0.9210    0.0127
  0.9360    0.0000
  0.9500    0.0000