Bunch-by-Bunch Analysis of CESR-c Optics

Lattice: fit_postop_20070116

30 March 2007

Present operational 3770 lattice, obtained by fitting phase and writing out lattice file in CESRV (thanks to mjf).

Operating bunch configuration (24 bunches): t1-8.b3-4,t2-9.b5 4 mA/bunch max.

BBI compensation method is to adjust the quads globally to hold the electron horizontal and vertical tunes constant as the positron bunch current increases. The tune values were chosen to be the same as the tunes obtained at 4 mA/bunch using the BBI compensation knobs (see job 1762), which are Qh/v = 0.546/0.665.

Log file

Creation date: 03/30/07.