Deformation of Electron Orbits by BBI

Lattice: 3970_0809.0800v2

16 August 2005

1.985 GeV lattice in use during machine studies of 12 August 2005.
In order to measure orbit deformations of electron t1.b1 in the BPM's 12W - 2E, we filled positrons in a 6x5 configuration and omitted train 1, so that no parasitic crossing occur in the region of the BPMs. We used the design pretzel, which gives 3 mrad crossing angle.
The following plots compare the calculated orbit deformations (i.e. the orbit differences with and without positron current) for three cases:
6x5 without train 1: Job 902 log file
The last plot shows that the tunes were not held constant as a function of positron current in the calculation, and the 2 mA of positron bunch current resulted in a tune shift of about 3 kHz.
1x5 (train 1 only): Job 913 log file
9x5 (t1-8 empty, i.e. train 9 only): Job 914 log file

Creation date: 08/16/05.