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Magnet layout options

Several options for layout and magnet technology were considered. Only the (vertically focussing) quad nearest the interaction point was studied, since the next (horizontally focussing) quad was located outside of the CLEO magnet pole tip and the present iron/copper quads are adequate for most configurations. For each option, optics were computed at 5.3 GeV which provided cm and m. Apertures were designed to accommodate a 12 beam stay clear and a 2.5 mrad horizontal crossing angle. A double-walled, cooled beam pipe was assumed.

For each configuration three parameters were calculated: 1) the long range tune shift for 10 mA bunches and fixed crossing angle at a point 2.1 m from the interaction point (corresponding to bunches spaced by 14 ns); 2) the chromaticity from the IR quads (on one side only); and 3) the total horizontal aperture required for 2.5 mrad crossing angle. The results are summarized in Table .

NdFeB and SmCo refer to high permanent magnet material. The NdFeB material has Tesla, giving a significant advantage in gradient over the SmCo, which was assumed to have Tesla. (The present CESR permanent magnet quads are made from an older type of SmCo which has Tesla.) The NdFeB material, however has a lower Curie temperature (310 C compared to 480 C for SmCo) which causes the temperature coefficient to be 4 times larger, and requires special care to avoid exposing the material to excessive temperatures.

The first four rows in Table are design exercises that do not easily accommodate the 4.7 to 5.6 GeV energy range. The SmCo options which can accommodate this energy range (rows 5 to 7) require unrealistically large gradients (k=0.8 m) in the associated Fe/Cu quads. The superconducting quad options (rows 8 and 9) require placing the cryostat far inside the drift chamber which places undesirable constraints on the cryostat and the drift chamber design.

Hybrid options (rows 10 to 12) using SmCo and superconducting quads satisfy all of the requirements discussed earlier. The SmCo is most effective when high fields are required in small volumes. It also is a very effective mask against high energy particle background. The superconducting quads provide a controllable high-gradient field and offer the capability to include additional magnet coils in the same cryostat. We plan to install in the cryostat horizontal and vertical dipole correction coils and skew quad coils for detector solenoid compensation. The option in row 11 of Table was chosen because it provides the best set of machine parameters while providing sufficient space for mounting detector and accelerator hardware. A drawing of the proposed quads is given in Fig. .

Current densities for the quadrupole windings are modest-less than 300 A/mm. Peak magnetic fields at conductors are approximately 3.5 Tesla, not including the solenoid field.

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