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Overview of CESR luminosity upgrade

A five-year program to increase CESR luminosity by a factor of 5 to 10 was begun in Fall 1993. The program is staged in two parts which are referred to as ``Phase 2'' and ``Phase 3.''

Phase 2 operation is planned for the period from mid-1994 until installation of the CLEO III detector components in 1997. In this phase we will use bunch trains with a small horizontal crossing angle to store beam currents up to the limit of the 5-cell RF cavities (approximately 300 mA/beam). Nine trains of 3 bunches each will be used. The IR quad configuration will be modified to provide the larger horizontal aperture required for the separate electron and positron orbits. The peak luminosity for this operation will be around .

Phase 3 equipment will be installed in CESR at the same time as the installation of the CLEO III detector described in this report. Replacement of the four 5-cell RF cavities with four superconducting 1-cell cavities and modification of the IR to allow more closely spaced bunches will permit increasing the beam currents. This configuration will allow us to reach the limits of the ring vacuum chamber (gas desorption and available pumping rate) using 9 trains of 5 bunches each. The proposed IR layout will accommodate values of to 1 cm, making further increases in luminosity possible if the bunch length can be shortened comparably. The expected peak luminosity in the Phase 3 configuration is 1 to .

The IR quad arrangement must be modified from its present configuration to provide greater effective horizontal aperture for crossing angle orbits. The crossing angle operation requires additional aperture in the horizontally focussing quads. This may be achieved by exchanging the two electromagnetic quads on each side (Q1 and Q2) and lengthening the permanent magnet quad using spare sections from the former North area permanent magnet quads. Energy flexibility (4.7 to 5.6 GeV) is possible by moving the Q1 quadrupole longitudinally.

As the bunch spacing is decreased to 14 ns in Phase 3 operation, the first parasitic crossing point moves from 4.2 to 2.1 m away from the interaction point. The combination of small separation and large with the Phase 2 optics results in an excessive long range beam-beam tune shift. A high gradient (40 Tesla/m) superconducting quad focuses the beam vertically in the Phase 3 configuration to minimize the tune shift at the parasitic crossing. A 30 cm long stepped permanent magnet quad provides additional focussing as well as shielding of background.

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