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Simulation results

The parametric tracking study described above provided a means for rapidly prototyping various CLEO III tracking configurations and comparing them with the corresponding parametric model of CLEO II. Once an optimum was achieved, the configuration was fully simulated using standard CLEO Monte Carlo and reconstruction codes. The results presented below are for Monte Carlo generated events reconstructed with the CLEO II track finding code, DUET, and with a version modified to include silicon for the CLEO III tracking system. The algorithms used in the track finding code were identical for the CLEO II and CLEO III detectors. This may not be optimum for CLEO III track reconstruction but was used as a basis for comparison. The position of the drift chamber layers for CLEO III were chosen to be identical to CLEO II. The smaller outer radius of the drift chamber was simulated by removing the appropriate number of CLEO II layers. Once again this choice may not be optimum for CLEO III but was used as a reference.